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Runnin' with Scissors
in the Press

Lab Rats Comedy was previously known as:
Runnin' With Scissors
We held the name for two years. This was our 'edgy' period.
Our campus newspaper, The Reflector, continued to take an interest in our comedic antics.
Feel free to read further to learn more about our group's history, charitable actions, and goofy formative years.
October 8th, 2004 : Improvisational group gets ready to act out Friday night
February 11th, 2005 : Improv, sketch comedy group takes main stage
September 12th, 2005 : Runnin' With Scissors raises money for Mississippi Red Cross
September 30th, 2005 : Runnin' With Scissors cuts up tonight
February 10th, 2006 : Improv group brings Vaudeville to MSU stage
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